Whatever you're meant to do, do it now. The conditions are always impossible. DL

Monday, 18 November 2024

Target the over 55s to ease the housing crisis

This article argues that a good, effective and sustainable way to ease the 2020s housing trap, is to build up to two million homes for the +55 year olds throughout England. Not especially targeting the 15 per cent richest, nor for the 15 per cent poorest, but targeting the remaining two thirds 55+ year old mid-income households. The 2020s housing trap is not unique to the four nations of the UK.

My proposal, is to build up to one million council and housing association apartments for the +55 year olds, 9 in 10 with one bedroom, during the next 10-15 years. To allow for a significant proportion of the +55 single households to leave their larger council/housing association or privately rented homes. To settle in bespoke apartment complexes reserved for the +55s. With the proposed number of public housing units built annually, equal to 2-3 times as many public housing units built annually c1997-2010.

The 55+ housing communities advocated above are for the 'younger' elderly, mostly moving house in their early or late 60s. Where the housing communities are self supporting. Where the social benefits of having several dozens 55+ year olds within one medium size community – with their different personalities, skills, experiences – is invaluable. For the individuals, the community, the neighbourhood, and the society at large.

Maybe one last key to unlock the 2020s housing trap, is to reform ownership of underused urban land, undeveloped urban land, urban land with absent and/or overseas landowners. To bring back all such land to public ownership – in care of the local authority, Homes England, the county council or regional authority/mayor – with apx one third each. 

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