What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness. JS

Thursday 7 April 2022

City of Southwark 2033

Below are eleven strategic steps for Southwark's (central) development areas, blue-green network, high streets, neighbourhoods and public health – to prosper, become carbon neutral and e- /cycling-first – within a decade.

Central & northern Southwark and northern Lewisham, showing development areas (red); river crossings & former canal (blue); larger parks & e-/bike grid (green); four potential train stations (r=½m); institutions, destinations & attractions (stars).

Southwark is historically the poorer 'half' of central London. This was partly magnified after the second world war by 'central' Southwark zoned for (social) housing and light industry/logistics. First reversed in the 1980s by the South Bank Uni and Shad Thames and gradually from the 1990s elsewhere. Southwark can continue and/or accelerate this process, and become the leading carbon neutral and e- /cycling-first inner southern London borough. 

With a great(er) mix of social, educational and employment offers, groups and classes. A majority of which choose e-/cycling for local journeys. And by providing attractions, services and job opportunities to locals, visitors and commuters, the self-employed and start-ups, craftspeople and artists, the young and the elderly alike. Near to where more than two-thirds of a million people live, work, shop and/or recreate. On a daily, evening, weekend and/or weekday basis.

Tuesday 29 March 2022

Gran Tranvia GC | Maspalomas 2033

Maspalomas 2033 Verde y carbono cero

Maspalomas tiene un gran futuro por delante como resort costero verde y cero emisiones de carbono. Maspalomas puede lograrlo invirtiendo en transporte, ámbito público y energía solar, incluidos edificios, instalaciones y servicios. Maspalomas tiene varias ventajas comparativas y puede mejorarlas y progresar aún más. Maspalomas puede presentarse como uno de los principales centros costeros del siglo XXI en el mundo durante las cuatro estaciones. A continuación se presentan DIEZ prioridades para Maspalomas durante la próxima década.

Maspalomas puede llegar a cero emisiones de carbono antes que otros centros turísticos costeros. Maspalomas puede lograrlo trabajando junto con empresas, habitantes y visitantes. A través de la recolección de energía solar y eólica con cero emisiones de carbono, mediante la adaptación de nuevas prácticas, aprovechando lo último en tecnología, ingeniería e innovaciones, y probando y demostrando esto a otros centros costeros en toda España, Europa y en todo el mundo.

Maspalomas 2033 Green & zero carbon 

Maspalomas has a great future ahead as a green and zero carbon coastal resort. Maspalomas can achieve this by investing in transport, public realm and solar energy – buildings, facilities and services included. Maspalomas has several comparative advantages, and can improve and progress these further. Maspalomas can present itself as a leading twenty first century coastal resort during all four seasons. Below are TEN priorities for Maspalomas during the next decade.

Maspalomas can reach zero carbon ahead of other coastal resorts. Maspalomas can achieve this by working together with businesses, inhabitants and visitors. Through harvesting zero carbon solar and wind energy, through adapting new practices – by taking advantage of the latest in technology, engineering and innovations – and by proving and demonstrating this to other costal resorts throughout Spain, Europe and worldwide. 

Gran Tranvia GC 

Planificar un tranvía rápido de 160 km/h entre Las Palmas, Telde, Aeropuerto y Maspalomas con 6 estaciones en Las Palmas, 5 estaciones en Maspalomas, 7 estaciones intermedias – 7½ min de frecuencia en horas punta, 10 min de frecuencia fuera de punta, 45 min de trayecto hora. 

Plan a 160 km/h fast tram between Las Palmas, Telde, Aeropuerto and Maspalomas with 6 stations in Las Palmas, 5 stations in Maspalomas, 7 stations in between – 7.5 min frequency during peak hours, 10 min frequency off peak, 45 min journey time. 

  • Maspalomas 2033 Verde y carbono cero pdf 4p
  • Gran Tranvia GC pdf 2p
  • English & French text only rtf