What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness. JS

Wednesday 1 January 2020

Socio Cultural Urban Place Making

Town Centres, Urban Extensions, Public Realm
I specialise in place making, spatial, strategic and transport policy and planning law.

Plans, Policies & Design
I prepare and write illustrated land use plans, master plans, development plans, planning briefs, zoning plans & regulations, local & strategic plans & policies, transport policy, guidance, strategies, studies and action plans.

Organisational & Rhetorics
I organise and advice on all of the above, including community participation, public meetings, design charrettes, competitions, procurement, project and programme management. I lead, organise people, budgets, schedules, production, quality control. I prepare & head public meetings, consultations, public speaking and write articles.

Tutoring & CPD
I have twice part time tutored a semester long university course –  3rd yr in plan preparation/project finance and 2nd yr in place/landscape analysis. In addition, prepared/organised 4-10 days continued professional development courses in planning obligations/gains, as well as project/programme management.

Commissions & Contact
Please see and use Linkdin for references and contact.

Central, West, South-West & North-East London 2013 – 2015

I specialise in spatial & town centre policy, planning law, urban extensions, opportunity areas, stations, 3D spatial/volume studies, public realm & trees, transport policy in central, inner and outer London.
  • Good practice guide on basement developments, Richmond: author (pdf)
  • House extensions & external alternations SPD, Richmond: revision (pdf
  • Local validation checklist, Richmond: update    
  • Trees for Redbridge strategy, action plan and legal guidance for trees and hedges in front gardens
  • Illustrated legal shopfront guidance for high streets in Redbridge 
  • Public realm and surface transport strategy for Victoria opportunity area: City of Westminster (incl 3D illustrations and policies for nine prioritised areas, incl Victoria Station, Terminus Place, Buckingham Palace Road, Land Security Sites, New Scotland Yard, 55 Broadway extract)
  • Feasibility study and policies for Hammersmith town centre with 1-3 km road tunnel replacing motorway flyover: 3D spatial/volume study showing 3-5m sq feet of new development (pdf)
  • Old Oak High Speed 2 station and opportunity area vision: 3D study of multi-modal station connected to park, proposed Overground station and new canal bridge
  • Merging core strategy and development management framework of London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham

  • One Mile Garden City 2014
  • Wolfson economic prize: competition 2014: spatial layout, streets & mobility, economics & governance, environment & health, socio-cultural, existing communities, afterword: 3D/author (6p pdf)

Socio-Cultural Place Studies Guidance 2007
    • Sosiokulturelle stedsanalyser: Veileder: AFK, NIBR, Byggforsk 2007; guidance and two case studies; initiator & editor (Preliminary draft version in English 2019)

    15 Articles Planning in London 2014 – 2022
    • City of Southwark 2033 (121/22 3p pdf)
    • Mid-century zero carbon in outer London town centres (119/21 4p pdf)
    • Bridging Zero Carbon & Active London (117/21 3p pdf)
    • A new dawn for housing a more mature city (115/20 3p pdf)
    • Heathrow: joining the low carbon and post car era? (113/20 2p pdf)
    • Thameslink West, an alternative to Crossrail 2 (111/19 4p pdf)
    • Is the 'brick' warehouse striking back? (109/19 2p pdf)
    • The 55+ inclusive city in a 75+ inclusive era (105/18 4p pdf)
    • A blue-green grid for all Londoners (103/17 3p pdf)
    • Is the death and resurrection of London's high streets due? (101/17 3p pdf)
    • London 2024: Holistic priorities for prosperity and inclusion (99/16 3p pdf)
    • A cycling revolution? Half a century of catching up to do (97/16 2p pdf)
    • Central London Red-Bus-Routes - towards 2030 (95/15 3p pdf)
    • Crossrail 2+3: Delivering a mid 21st century transport system half a generation early (93/15 4p pdf)
    • Thames Estuary in a Post-Car Metropolitan Urban Era (91/14 3p pdf)

    Plan N 2005 – 2012
    • Hvor bor vi i 2028? Who lives where in 2028? Sub-national population projections (5/2012)
    • Spor til vekst? Integrated sub national spatial and infrastructure planning (3-4/2011)
    • På søken etter et bedre liv? Migration and planning competence (5/2008)
    • Gardermoen som motor for vekst: Economic growth and airport capacity (2/2008)
    • Oslo anno 2050: City life in 2050 (laureate 5/2007)
    • Samarbeid om langsiktig utvikling på Romerike: Sub-regional spatial and transport development (1/2005)  

    Samferdsel 2011
    • Transportplanlegging for framtiden? Transport planning stuck in the past? (4/2011)

    Publications & Studies 2000 – 2013
    • Comparative study of planning regulation and practice: Oslo, Stockholm (client), Helsinki, Malmö, Växjö, Warsaw: Sweco 2013: co-author
    • Gjersrud-Stensrud områderegulering: PBE 2014 (strategic zoning plan for urban extension of up to 10,000 homes): co-editor
    • Bedre beskyttelse av byens trær: PBE 2012 (legal study on protection of urban trees): co-editor, co-author
    • Oslo S områdeprogram: PBE 2011 (development brief Oslo central station area): co-editor, co-author
    • Ny giv i Kvadraturen: PBE 2009 (spatial action plan for medieval part of Oslo city center): co-editor, co-author
    • Gardermoen 2040: AFK 2007 (regional strategy on airport capacity and economic development): author
    • Akershusstatistikk 2006 and 2007: AFK 2007 (regional statistics tables and figures): author
    • Romerike møter framtida: AFK 2005 (regional spatial strategy for airport sub-region): co-editor
    • Hus Tett-i-Tett: AFK 2000 (examples of dense suburban housing): author 

    Plans that I co-edited or co-authored 2008-2012 shown with red circles; misc shown in white.

    Zoning Plans & Regulations PBE 2008 – 2012
    • Bygdøy kongsgård og folkepark (2 sq.km parkland west of Oslo city centre): co-author; adopted
    • Ekebergsletta by og idrettspark (2 sq.km parkland east of Oslo city centre): public consultation: co-author 
    • Gjersrud-Stensrud (urban expansion of up to 10,000 homes on 2-4 sq.km in hilly forest terrain): public consultation: co-editor
    • Småhusplanen (29,000 suburban houses on 24 sq.km): second revision: co-editor; adopted
    • Villaområde Huk aveny (residential conservation area 0.5 sq.km): co-editor; adopted
    • Nordstrandskråningen (residential conservation area 4 sq.km): co-editor; co-author; adopted
    • Leirskallen (terraced housing on very steep slope): forth draft: co-author
    • Bymessig fortetting Slemdal (small town center): second draft: co-author

    Development Plans & Studies PBE 2008 – 2012
    • Oslo kommuneplan (comprehensive spatial development plan for entire municipal area): community participation, zoning map, regulations: public consultation: internal steering committee
    • Stasjonsnære boligområder (five town centers in Oslo south): revision: editor: ongoing
    • Eksempelsamling småhusområder (examples of high quality modern suburban housing): co-editor
    • OL2022 (Olympic winter games): initial spatial study: PBE 2012: co-editor
    • Kommunedelplan byutvikling og bevaring i indre Oslo (zoning plan/supplementary development plan for historic inner city): second draft: PBE 2010: co-editor 
    • Kommunedelplan for Lysaker- og Sørkedalsvassdraget (supplementary development plan for river corridor): public consultation: PBE/BYM 2012: co-editor
    • Mulighetsstudier Oppsal, Torshovgata 46, Bestumkilen (town center, site and harbour front studies): co-editor, co-author

    Transport Finance, Oslopakke 2004 – 2007
    • Long term public and road transport financial plan, O3 road toll ring (initial draft 2006): working group
    • Trikk til Fornebu: AFK 2007 (tram extension study): co-coordinator: co-client
    • Bane til Lørenskog: O2 2006 (light-rail and metro extension study): project coordinator, client
    • Byanalyse for Oslo og Akershus NTP 2006 (comprehensive regional transport study): working group